• May


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    Plan for Summer Fun with a Full Propane Tank

    Plan for Summer Fun with a Full Propane Tank

    With Memorial Day marking the official start of summer, now more than ever, it’s time to be sure your propane tank is filled and ready for time spent in the backyard. Whether it’s grilling that perfect burger or setting the mood for an outdoor party, your propane is key to a good time. For homes

    • February


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    Automatic Fill Delivery Service

    Automatic Fill Delivery Service

    It seems that as every year passes, our lives become busier and more hectic. Between running the kids to music lessons, sports practices, early and late day work meetings, exercise classes and church, ordering propane is probably the last thing on your mind. The next thing you know, you come home to an empty propane

    • March


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    9 Ways to Use Propane in your Home

    Propane is an incredibly versatile, domestically-sourced fuel that can be used to power many appliances in your home. More and more people are turning to both propane and propane-powered appliances because of the energy-efficient performance. Here are just a few of the ways propane can be used in your home: Heating the Home: Propane can be

    • January


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    The Problem with Electric Heat Pumps During Winter

    Electric heat pumps are a popular heating option for homes in North Carolina and surrounding states. Still, they have a major drawback when it comes to keeping your home or business warm during frigid temperatures. Here’s the flaw… Electric heat pumps work by capturing heat from outside air and pumping it indoors. Unfortunately, when temperatures

    • December


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    Choosing a Heating Fuel: Propane or Heating Oil

    Choosing how to heat your home is a decision with long-lasting effects on your wallet and comfort. When considering heating fuels, take the time to compare the most common options. As heating oil and propane are easily accessible to most consumers, comparing these two is a great starting point when looking to choose a heating fuel.

    • September


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    How Propane Can Save Energy Throughout your Home

    If all or most of your home appliances run on electricity, the cooler months are probably a pain in the neck for you. Trying to keep your home warm while keeping energy costs down is a challenge, and when you are not getting the most out of your home appliances, that challenge becomes even harder.

    • September


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    5 Reasons Why Gas Logs are a Better Alternative to Firewood

    Fall doesn’t officially begin until September 23rd this year, but people are already preparing for the upcoming season. As the temperature begins to drop, home renovations will have an emphasis on staying warm and keeping heating costs down. If you are still dealing with the hassle of wood-burning fires, a gas fireplace can be a

    • April


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    5 Benefits of Stable Propane Pricing

    Stable Propane Pricing is a smart solution to propane costs and billing. It allows you to pay the same amount every month all year long for your propane bill. With this program, you don’t have to worry about the propane costs going up. Generally, you will end up paying less for propane than you would

    • November


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    Carbon Monoxide Safety Information for You and Your Family

    What is Carbon Monoxide (CO)? You can’t taste or smell CO, but it can be a dangerous gas.  High levels of CO can come from appliances that are not operating correctly or from a venting system or chimney that becomes blocked. CO can be deadly! High levels of CO can make you dizzy or sick.

    • October


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    Zone Heating with Hearth Products

    Where does your family spend the majority of their time in your home?  Chances are, it’s mostly in just one or two rooms.  There may even be rooms in your house that don’t get visited in a given week.  Yet, some homeowners with central heating choose to heat those vacant rooms as much as the

    • October


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    Are You Prepared for Cold Weather?

    An especially cold winter and high demand for propane last year led to a spike in propane prices and shortages in some areas of the country. At G&B Energy, we worked hard to keep our customers tanks full and their homes warm.  This fall we encourage you to use the tips below to be proactive

    • May


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    Grilling Safety Tips for Memorial Day

    As grilling season picks up and we enter one of the most popular weekends for backyard barbecues, we at G&B Energy would like to take a moment to highlight grill safety. Grilling is not inherently dangerous for those that use caution and understand their equipment. Use the following tips to make sure your family enjoys

    • January


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    Gas Fireplaces 101

    Fireplaces have stayed among the top amenities a homeowner looks for when purchasing a new house.According to the National Association of Home Builders, they rank second behind outdoor patios, decks and porches. Fireplace design options have improved over the years to make fireplace additions much morefeasible. Even in situations where there are no existing chimneys in

    • November


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    Thanksgiving Recipes from the Grill

    We, here at G&B Energy, love grills.  Grilling season spans 365 days a year by our standards.  Thanksgiving is no exception!  There are several delicious recipes we’ve come across in our years of holiday grilling.  Here are two grilling recipes that are sure to impress the crowd at the Thanksgiving dinner table this year! Grilled

    • October


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    Top 5 Reasons to Add a Gas Fireplace to your Home

    Nothing adds ambiance to a home quite like a fireplace.  In our modern day, people want the warmth and comfort of a traditional wood fireplace without the hassle of hauling wood.  An efficient gas fireplace is able to provide a clean, convenient and cost-saving addition to your home that is sure to improve your family’s

    • September


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    [Infographic] Tankless vs. Conventional Water Heaters

    Did you know? 25% of every dollar put towards your energy bill goes to heating water. Tankless water heaters are becoming more and more popular because of the efficiency and savings they can bring to a homeowner. The infographic below compares tankless water heaters to conventional tank water heaters head-to-head in categories such as size, lifetime, hot

    • August


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    Saving $$$ with Rinnai Tankless Water Heaters

    Heating water is one of the largest energy expenses faced by today’s homeowner. Some reports estimate that 30% of a home’s energy use comes from a water heater tank. But there is a better way! A propane-fueled tankless water heater can provide you with an endless supply of hot water and lower energy bills. Many customers that have switched from

    • August


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    Easy Tips for Grill Maintenance and Safety

    As summer heats up the temperature, it also heats up our grills! Despite the soggy summer season so far, our grills have been busy cooking up everything from Angus steaks to zucchini. To better enjoy this American outdoor tradition, we need to take care of our grills by keeping them clean and safe. Here are

    • August


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    Welcome to the G&B Energy Blog!

    Welcome to the G&B Energy Blog!

    Welcome!  G&B Energy is your family owned and NC grown propane, heating oil, hearth products and outdoor living experts.  We have locations in Elkin, Advance, Boone, Millers Creek, Mills River, Pilot Mountain, Statesville, Sparta and Weaverville, NC. This blog will look to provide you with news, special offers, tips and general information regarding: Propane, heating oil,

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