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The Problem with Electric Heat Pumps During Winter

don't freeze because of your electric heat pumpElectric heat pumps are a popular heating option for homes in North Carolina and surrounding states. Still, they have a major drawback when it comes to keeping your home or business warm during frigid temperatures. Here’s the flaw…

Electric heat pumps work by capturing heat from outside air and pumping it indoors. Unfortunately, when temperatures fall below freezing, there just isn’t enough heat energy to steal from outside air to adequately heat a space. In fact, when temperatures fall into the single digits (as they commonly do in many parts of North Carolina), electric heat pumps may only be able to maintain an indoor temperature around 62 degrees.

The heat pump will either continuously run while failing to heat the space to a desired temperature or use a back-up heat source to achieve the needed heat. This electric resistance back-up heat is terribly inefficient which causes the dreaded spike in your electricity bills.

But cold home temperatures and high energy bills don’t have to be your fate! There are several propane-powered heating options available to more efficiently heat your home. More people are choosing propane due to the following benefits:

  • Much of the country’s propane is produced in the USA
  • Propane is versatile and can be used to fuel a number of appliances and heat sources
  • The cost and security of U.S. propane supply is looking more promising than ever before
  • Propane is more efficient and produces less harmful CO2 emissions that electricity

Read on to learn about a few propane heating solutions that can help you have a more comfortable and efficient winter:

Hybrid Heating System

hybrid heatA hybrid heating system (or dual fuel system) is an electric heat pump that is backed by a propane furnace. When the temperature gets too cold for the heat pump to adequately heat the home, the system switches over to a high efficiency propane furnace.

By utilizing the propane furnace during colder temperatures, the overall heating system provides better comfort, is more energy efficient and has less of a carbon footprint. Plus, since a dual fuel heating system is technically two independently-operating heat sources, one can continue to operate should the other have an issue.

For more benefits and to see a breakdown of annual cost savings, click here.

Image via Propane North Carolina

High Efficiency Propane Furnace

Example of high efficiency propane furnaceA propane furnace is one of the most energy-efficient options to heating a home or business. Many models now boast higher than 90% efficiency ratings and can thoroughly heat a home without need for a back up system.

Propane as a heating fuel is known to deliver heat that is around 20 degrees warmer than electric heat pumps, which provides a much more comfortable setting during cold winter weather. Not to mention that propane furnaces, when properly maintained, can last up to 10 years longer than heat pumps.

Image via Propane North Carolina

http://www.propanenorthcarolina.com/Gas Pack

A gas pack is an outdoor unit that combines propane heating and electric cooling in one. It is particularly useful in North Carolina and states with similar climates that have hot summers and cold winters. A gas pack has all of the benefits of a propane furnace with the added convenience of housing an AC unit in with it.

Image via Propane North Carolina

Interested in converting to a more comfortable and efficient way to heat your home? The propane experts and G&B Energy can help! Contact your local office to get started.



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