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Saving $$$ with Rinnai Tankless Water Heaters [INFOGRAPHIC]

Heating water is one of the largest energy expenses faced by today’s homeowner. Some reports estimate that 30% of a home’s energy use comes from a water heater tank. But there is a better way! A propane-fueled tankless water heater can provide you with an endless supply of hot water and lower energy bills.

Many customers that have switched from an electric water heater tank to an Energy Star propane tankless water heater have reported a power bill decrease of $45 to $65 per month! Not to mention it will save space and typically last twice as long as the tank!

tankless water heatersG&B Energy has partnered with Rinnai, the world’s #1 brand of tankless water heaters, to develop an unbelievable rebate program for G&B customers where you can save up to $500!

Current Rebates:
G&B Energy Instant Rebate $200 – $400
Rinnai Mail-in Rebate $50 – $100
Total Potential Savings $500

This amazing offer expires on September 30, 2014 so click the button below for a FREE estimate from your local propane pros here at G&B Energy! 855-LPG-PROS


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So how do tankless water heaters stack up against conventional water heaters?

tankless water heater infographic

Remember, this offer expires on September 30, 2014, so get your free, no-obligation estimate and start enjoying hot water on demand!


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